Mario Biagioli
• “Justice Out of Balance,” Critical Inquiry 45(2019), No.1 (Winter).
• From Russia with Code, (with Vincent Lepinay, (SciencesPo, Paris)) an edited volume on Russian computer scientists, hackers, and software engineers (forthcoming Spring 2019, Duke University Press).
• Beyond Publish and Perish: Metrics and the New Ecologies of Academic Misconduct, (with Alexandra Lippman) an edited volume on metrics and misconduct in contemporary science. (Forthcoming Fall 2019, MIT Press).
• “Beyond Pastures: Knowledge Commons v. Natural Commons,” Social Studies of Science, 49(2019).
• “Plagiarizing Names, Not Content: New Forms of Appropriation in the Sciences”, Trends in Chemistry 1 (2019), Spring.
• “The Work of Fraud in the Age of Mechanical Reproducibility,” Angewandte Chemie 58 (2019).
• “Weighing Intellectual Property: Can We Balance the Costs and Benefits of Patenting?” History of Science, 56(2018), No.4
• “Academic Misconduct, Misrepresentation, and Gaming: A Reassessment,” (With M. Kenney, Ben Martin, and John Walsh), Research Policy 48 (2019).
• “Between Text and Machine: Galileo’s Compass as a Techno-Legal Hybrid,” History of Science 57(2019), No.1 (March).
Noah Guynn
• Making Faces: Ethics, Politics, and Religion in Early French Farce. (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2019)
• “Category Crossings: Bruno Latour and Medieval Modes of Existence,” a special issue of Romanic Review with Marilynn Desmond.
Kriss Ravetto-Biagioli
• Digital Uncanny (New York: Oxford University Press, 2019).
Tobias Warner
• The Tongue-Tied Imagination: Decolonizing Literary Modernity in Senegal
Forthcoming from Fordham University Press, 2019
Mario Biagioli
• “Law as Technology/Technologies of the Law”, (with Marius Buning, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (Berlin)), a 7-article special issue of History of Science 56 (2018), No.4.
• “Quality to Impact, Text to Metadata:
Evaluation and Publication in the Age of Metrics,” KNOW: A Journal on the Formation of Knowledge 2(2018):249-275.
Joshua Clover
• “Fanon: Absorption and Coloniality.” College Literature. Vol. 45:1 (Winter 2018): 39-45.
Kris Fallon
• “The Pencil of Identity: Instagram as Inadvertent (Female) Autobiography,” in Female Agency and Documentary Strategies: Subjectivities, Identity and Activism, Edited by Boel Ulfsdotter, Anna Backman Rogers (Edinburgh University Press, 2018).
Elizabeth Freeman
• “Shakers, Not Movers: The Physiopolitics of Shaker Dance.” In Cindy Weinstein, ed. A Question of Time: From Colonial Encounter to Contemporary Fiction. Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2018.
Timothy Lenoir
• The Military-Entertainment Complex, Tim Lenoir co-authored with Luke Caldwell (Harvard University Press, 2018).
John Marx
• Media U: How the Need to Win Audiences Has Shaped Higher Education
Mark Garrett Cooper and John Marx (Columbia University Press, 2018).
Robert P. Newcomb
• Iberianism and Crisis: Spain and Portugal at the Turn of the Twentieth Century (Toronto, 2018)
Sven-Erik Rose
• “Piotr Rawicz's Le Sang du ciel, Heidegger, and the Holocaust as Ontological Experience.” Comparative Literature 70:2 (June 2018): 194-217:
Matthew Stratton
• “Aesthetics and Politics of the Depression Era,” in Cambridge Companion to American Literature of the 1930s (Cambridge UP 2018).
Mario Biagioli
• ”Certaines dérives font réfléchir sur l’état de la science dans le monde”, Le Monde, August 26, 2017.
Joshua Clover
• “Transition: End of the Debate.” Amerikastudien / American Studies 62.4 (2017): 539-50.
• “Genres of the Dialectic.” Critical Inquiry No. 42 (Winter 2017): 431-450.
Omnia El Shakry
• The Arabic Freud: Psychoanalysis and Islam in Modern Egypt. Princeton University Press, 2017.
Gail Finney
• “The Reign of the Amoeba: Further Thoughts about the Future of Comparative Literature.” Futures of Comparative Literature: ACLA State of the Discipline Report. Ed. Ursula K. Heise et al. London: Routledge, 2017. Pp. 19-23.
Elizabeth Freeman
• “Afterward.” In Sexual Disorientations: Queer Temporalities, Affects, Theologies, ed. Kent Brintnall and Joseph Marchal. Fordham University Press, forthcoming 2017.
Sheldon Lu
• Guest Editor, special issue on Chinese Ecocinema, Journal of Chinese Cinemas 11.1 (March 2017), “Introduction”: 1-12.
• ”Cosmopolitanism and Alternative Modernity in Twentieth-Century China,” Telos: A Quarterly Journal of Critical Thought 180 (Fall 2017): 105-120. Part of a special issue on “Cosmopolitanism and China.”
John Marx
• "What Happened to the Postcolonial Novel: The Urban Longing for Form. Novel: A Forum on Fiction 50.3 (2017)."
Robert P. Newcomb
• Beyond Tordesillas: Critical Essays in Comparative Luso-Hispanic Studies (edited by Robert Patrick Newcomb and Richard A. Gordon; Ohio State, 2017).
Kriss Ravetto-Biagioli
• Mythopoetic Cinema: On the Ruins of European Identity (New York: Columbia University
Press, 2017).
• Martyrs for the Mass,” an essay-film co-authored with Kevin Lee for a special issue of
[In]Transition: Journal of Videographic Film & Moving Image Studies on Indefinite
Visions, 4.2b (Summer 2017).
• “Defacing the Close-up,” James Benning Environments, Nikolaj Lubecker and
Daniele Rugo, eds., Edinburgh UP, 2017, pp. 143-159.
• “Bill Viola and the Cinema of Indefinite Bodily Experiences” Indefinite Visions, Martine
Beugnet and Allan Cameron, eds. Edinburgh UP, 2017, pp. 223-240.
Scott Cutler Shershow
• The Love of Ruins: Letters on Lovecraft. Co-authored with Scott Michaelsen. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 2017.
• “Agriculture as ‘Writing:’ Some Thoughts on the Contemporary Relevance of Derrida’s Of Grammatology.” CR: The New Centennial Review 17.1 (Spring 2017).
Julia Simon
• Time in the Blues (New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017).
• “Dangerous Liaisons: Reflections on the Politics of Confidentiality in the Cyber-Age University,” The Eighteenth-Century: Theory and Interpretation 58, no. 4 (Winter 2017): 407-28.
• “Repudiation and Redemption in Go Down, Moses: Accounting, Settling, Gaming the System, and Justice,” The Southern Quarterly 55, no. 1 (Fall 2017): 30-54.
• “Predatory Lending, Contract House Sales and the Blues in Chicago: Eddie Boyd’s “Five Long Years” and Muddy Waters’ “You Can’t Lose What You Ain’t Never Had,”” Journal of American Culture 40:2 (June 2017): 145 -53.
• Podcast: Blue on My Mind
Mario Biagioli
• “Watch Out for Cheats in Citation Game,” Nature 535 (2016): 201.
Joshua Clover
• Riot. Strike. Riot: The New Era of Uprisings. London: Verso Books, 2016. French edition L’Émeute prime: La Nouvelle Ère des soulèvements, Editions Entremonde 2018. Turkish edition, Ithaki 2018. German edition, Laika 2019.
Omnia El Shakry
• El Shakry, O. (Ed.) (2016) Gender and Sexuality in Islam: Critical Concepts in Islamic Studies. Volume I: Gender and the Ethical Subject; Volume II: Gender, Empire, and Nation; Volume III: Sexualities, Intimacy, and the Body; Volume IV: Gender, Sexuality, and Representation. London and New York: Routledge Press.
Kris Fallon
• “Media Theory According to Errol Morris” in Contemporary Documentary, Eds. Selmin Kara and Daniel Marcus (Routledge, 2016).
• “Data Visualization and Documentary’s (in)Visible Frontier” in Documentary Across Disciplines, edited by Erika Balsom & Hila Pileg (MIT Press, 2016).
Elizabeth Freeman
• “Synchronic/Anachronic.” In Joel Burges and Amy Elias, eds. Time: a Vocabulary of the Present (New York: NYU Press, 2016).
• “Hopeless Cases: Queer Chronicities and Gertrude Stein’s ‘Melanctha.’” Journal of Homosexuality 63.3 (2016): 329-348.
Kriss Ravetto-Biagioli
• “Parasite Cinema,” with Martine Beugnet for Image and Narrative, special issue on Artaud
and Cruelty, 17.5 (2016), 66-79.
• “The Digital Uncanny and Ghost Effects,” Screen, Spring 2016 issue 57/1, pp. 1-20.
Scott Cutler Shershow
• Bread. Object Lessons. New York: Bloomsbury, 2016.